May 28, 2020


Dear Middle Tennessee Council leaders and families:

After careful consideration and studying of the guidelines set forth by our local and state authorities, below you will find an updated schedule as we move to reopen Middle Tennessee Council Scouting programs. All Scouting units are to consult their Charter Organization to get their formal approval to resume meetings. This is whether you are using the Charter Organization’s meeting space or not. This includes, but is not limited to, meeting space availability with proper sanitizing measures in place. There could be additional requirements from the Charter Organizations.

All units should follow the safety protocols established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) and their Charter Organization. COVID-19, Frequently Asked Questions updated by the CDC can be found here.

Please follow appropriate social distancing of six feet or more. We encourage masks or cloth face coverings to be worn and limiting group sizes to fifty or less based off Governor Lee’s Executive Order No. 38. Our senior citizens, and anyone considered to be in high risk  are encouraged to stay home at this time. For your safety, and to be in compliance, follow all guidelines under The Tennessee Pledge. 

At this point you more than likely know we have cancelled Summer Camp and all Cub Scout Day Camps. We were looking forward to holding these camps, but the health risk to our Scouts, leaders and staff was our number one concern. Our staff and volunteers have been working hard to deliver a summertime activity for Scouts, BSA and Cub Scouts. Be on the lookout for information about upcoming “Merit Badge Days” and “Day Camp at Your Doorstep". This information will be available on June 1st and we are excited to have Scouts participating in these Scouting programs.

The Middle Tennessee Council team of staff and volunteers are here to support and work with you in any way possible. We will get through this and continue to offer what we consider are the best Scouting programs, led by the best volunteer leaders in the USA.


Thank you,

Dr. John Bright Cage
Council Board President

Karen Bengtson
Council Commissioner

Larry Brown
Scout Executive


Re Opening of Middle Tennessee Council

May 28, 2020

Council Service Center Nashville Scout Shop Clarksville
Murfreesboro Scout Shops
Boxwell Summer Camp Cub Scout Day Camps Unit Camping at all Council Camps Unit Meetings/Activities District/Council Meetings Camp Card Sale
Open Daily 8:30am - 5:00pm. The Service Center will be temporarily located in the lobby of the Scout Shop. All customers are to wear a facemask. Only access to the building is through the Scout Shop doors. Open Daily 8:30am - 5:30pm. Limited to 5 customers at a time. All customers are to wear a facemask when shopping. Open normal hours. Limited 1 customer at a time. All customers are to wear a facemask when shopping. Summer Camp is cancelled. Unit camping is available by contacting the camping department to schedule dates and times. Look for sign up information on "Merit Badge Days" June 1st. Day Camps are cancelled. Look for sign up information on "Day Camp at Your Doorstep" June 1st. Unit camping is available by contacting the camping department to schedule dates and times. Hold virtual meetings as much as possible. In person meetings may begin with 50 or less people in attendance. Confirm with Chartered Organization. Hold virtual meetings as much as possible. In person meetings may begin with 50 or less people in attendance. Begin selling in person when approved by location. Use Social Distancing when selling. Camp Card Sale ends on June 26th.
  • All units should follow the safety protocols established by the CDC and their Chartered Organization
  • Please follow appropriate social distancing of six feet or more and limit group size to fifty or less


Our staff will be answering calls, emails, etc.  If your unit has a specific need please contact us at any time. Staff contact information, www.mtcbsa.org or 615-383-9724.

If you have Scout related business that must be handled, please contact:

Ron Turpin 615-516-9751 rturpin@mtcbsa.org

Vance Lackey 615-707-9002 vlackey@mtcbsa.org