We are seeking nominations to be considered for “Scout of the Year”. Please use this form or the link below to nominate a Scout that has demonstrated exceptional Scout spirit, leadership, heroism, community service or citizenship, either in his/her Scout unit or personal life. We will select one Cub Scout, one Scouts BSA, one Venturing Youth, one STEM Scout and one Sea Scout/Explorer to represent the council. Each youth must be registered in a pack, troop, crew, ship or post within the Middle Tennessee Council at the time of nomination. Should you wish to nominate more than one Scout, please complete a separate entry by October 9, 2020.

The Scouts of the Year will be featured throughout the entire 2021 Scouting year, including a video showcasing their accomplishments. These Scouts will be recognized at the annual Patron Luncheon on Tuesday, March 2, 2021 before an audience of 1,000 community and civic leaders, and they will also be presented in Jet Trails magazine, Scout Shorts on-line, and other MTCBSA publications.
